Otonari Voice Chat - Chapter 09 - English Translation Release
Ritsuki 麗月 here! Chapter 09 done! Thank you Robin Miguel-san, Raphael Rodrigues-san, and LR7 Hern-san !! Thank you for your generous support, by becoming a patron, as always (´;ω;`)✨ I'll have it uploaded to MangaDex in a moment, so if you can't download you can always read it online here ! If there's any problem with the link--- or the translations, please do inform me! ^w^ The download link is below ⬇ You can download this chapter using this link (no password): https://waa.ai/ejVM/65744f Do note that the link contains all of the releases for this manga I've made, so you can just bookmark it or something.... Thank you~ ---Ritsuki 麗月